
Eurodesk İle Avrupa Fırsatlarını Keşfedin!

Gençlik Girişim Forumu

Son Başvuru Tarihi : #


I am glad to send you a second e-mail about the Nantes Creative Generations Forum:
Together with local associations, the City of Nantes and Nantes Metropole are organizing on 22-25 October 2014 the next edition of Nantes Creative Generations European youth initiative Forum.
During 3 days in Nantes, young people involved in innovative projects designed to strengthen the no¬tion of citizenship, of «living together» are invited to present initiatives, debate, share experiences, improve skills and take part in cultural events. As well as showcasing their own projects, participants will learn from peers across Europe and gain better understanding of the European dimension of local projects.
Transport, accommodation and food costs of participants are covered by Nantes Métropole (Maximum 2 participants per project).
Applications must be submitted by 31st May. You'll find enclosed the application form.
Please feel free to spread the word to all your networks, NGO's and any people you think might be interested.
For further information, check out the NCG website www.nantescreativegenerations.eu or email us at : ncg@nantesmetropole.fr 
Best regards,
Antoine PARROT
Chargé de mission
Service Europe / Direction de l'Attractivité Internationale / DGDEAI
European affairs officer / International Relations Department 
Nantes Métropole
2 cours du Champ de Mars
F-44923 Nantes cedex 9
Tél. + 33 (0)
Fax. + 33 (0)