
Eurodesk İle Avrupa Fırsatlarını Keşfedin!

9-11 Şubat 2015: 2. Doğu Ortaklığı Gençlik Forumu, Riga-Letonya

Son Başvuru Tarihi : #

In the context of the of Latvia’s Presidency of the Council of the EU and the Eastern Partnership Platform 4 'Contacts between people', Latvia will host the 2nd Eastern Partnership Youth Forum, that will focus on innovative approaches to foster young people's employability.

The Forum will provide space to discuss and recommend steps to be taken as regards young people's employability with a focus on:
- Mobility and partnership programmes (European Union, Council of Europe, United Nations and other programmes);
- Cross-sectorial cooperation;
- Exchange of good practices (innovative ideas);
- Youth policy development.

More specifically, the Forum will:
- Foster sharing of good practices between participants of the Forum in the field of cross-sectorial cooperation;
- Allow for a critical analysis of the above mentioned good practices and explore ways to adapt them to different realities;
- Map challenges the various sectors face and discuss how cross-sectorial cooperation can foster the employability of young people;
- Emphasise the impact of youth work and its relevance for the labour market;
- Raise awareness for quality demands for mobility programmes supporting employability of young people;
- Work on policy recommendations to improve youth employability/employment.

Participants should come from Erasmus+ Programme countries and Eastern Partnership countries who are:
- At least 18 years old and able to communicate in English or Russian;
- Young people active in youth organisations;
- Youth workers and/or researchers;
- Ministerial representatives,
- Representatives of formal education,
- Young journalists;
- Representatives from business organisations (unions, employers’ organisations, job services etc.);
- Representatives from formal education.

Application deadline: 31 October 2014

For more information: http://bit.ly/1APRdQT