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Erasmus+ Dil Destekleri hakkında ön bilgi notu

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Prior Information Notice: Online assessment and linguistic support for mobility of individuals under Erasmus+


In the framework of the new programme Erasmus+, the European Commission aims to provide a centralised online scheme to assess, monitor and support linguistic competences of individuals participating in mobility actions financed by the programme Erasmus+.

The upcoming call for tender will aim to select 1 or 2 provider(s) to supply and manage the relevant services:

- standardised online assessment of language competences (lot 1), and

- linguistic support in the form of online language courses (lot 2).

The general objectives of the services will be:
-  to collect, store and deliver data on assessment results and key trends so as to provide the European Commission with reliable and comprehensive information about participants' initial language levels and progress achieved over their mobility period, and
-  to encourage language learning through a flexible approach, adapted to the purposes of individual participants in long-term mobility actions.

The specific objectives of the services will be:
- to assess the language competences of individuals taking part in EU-funded mobility schemes twice during their mobility period, and,
- to offer optional online courses to participants to improve their level of competence in the assessed language prior to, or during mobility.


Both services should be usable for and meaningful to a wide range of users participating in the mobility schemes offered by the different strands of the new multiannual programme. This will include mobility for learning, teaching and training/placements/volunteering purposes.

The main target groups/users to be considered will include teaching staff and learners in higher and secondary education (both general and vocational) and young people outside formal educational settings (e.g. volunteers, apprentices, etc.). According to the European Commission's forecasts, up to 5 000 000 people will be involved in EU funded mobility schemes in the period 2014–2020. The target groups for both services will be individuals participating in long-term mobility actions supported by the Erasmus+ programme. Mobility actions are considered long-term when their duration is between 2 and 12 months for all education sectors and youth, except for learners in vocational education and training (VET), for whom the duration of mobility will be between 1 and 12 months.

All details can be found here: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:350629-2013:TEXT:EN:HTML&src=0