
Eurodesk İle Avrupa Fırsatlarını Keşfedin!

Gençler için Uluslararası Deneme Yarışması_2014

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UNESCO and the Goi Peace Foundation have launched the International Essay Contest for Young People 2014.

The theme for this year's contest is "My Role as a Citizen of Earth". In the vast universe, we were born on this planet called Earth, where various cultures and ethnicities, all living things, and all of nature exist together. However, in our world today, we face numerous problems--environmental destruction, resource depletion, wars and conflicts, poverty, and many more--that make our future uncertain. Given this situation, what do you think is the best way forward for humanity? How do you wish to fulfill your role as a citizen of Earth?

Young people from around the world, up to 25 years old (as of June 15, 2014), are invited to submit their ideas and express their visions. Teachers and youth directors may submit a collection of essays from their class or group.

Essays must be 700 words or less, original and unpublished and typed or printed in English, French, Spanish or German or 1600 characters or less in Japanese.

Deadline: 15 June 2014.

First, second and third prize winners will receive a cash award and a certificate. The 1st prize winner will be invited to the award ceremony in Tokyo, Japan scheduled for December 2014.   Please find out more information [ http://www.goipeace.or.jp/english/activities/programs/1401.html ]here.