
Eurodesk İle Avrupa Fırsatlarını Keşfedin!

Yeni Medya Büyükelçileri

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GEYC Resource Center from Romania launched a call for candidates for the position of "New Media Ambassador", a 3 months practical training in the field of social media, multimedia, PR and communication skills. After the great success of their previous editions, GEYC invites you to apply for NMA 5th and NMA 6th editions!

Deadline for submitting the application form is 20 April 2014. [ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NoBHY2ecXMxuS_RLwXdKN6jcBs4Sdjii2LD0BIFb-Vg/viewform ]APPLY NOW!

If you need any further details, [ https://www.facebook.com/messages/GEYCRomania ]please contact GEYC through their Faceebook page.

Read more at: [ http://www.geyc.ro/2014/02/nma5-6.html ]http://www.geyc.ro/2014/02/nma5-6.html