
Eurodesk İle Avrupa Fırsatlarını Keşfedin!

Okullarda Demokrasi ve İnsan Hakları üzerine bir yarışma çağrısı

Son Başvuru Tarihi :

In the framework of the pilot project scheme "Human Rights and Democracy in Action", the Council of Europe and the European Commission have launched a comic strip competition on "Democracy and Human Rights at School". Students from one of the [ http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/Commun/ChercheSig.asp?NT=018&CM=&DF=&CL=ENG ]States party to the European Cultural Convention are invited to draw a comic strip representing democracy and human rights at school by exploring the following questions: Do you have a say in school discussions? Is everyone accepted in your school? Are all students treated as equals? How are human rights and other collective social concerns represented in your school life? What do democracy and human rights education at school mean to you? How would you like to promote your ideas to others?

The winning projects will receive great media visibility and on-line exposure on the Internet sites of the European institutions, the Council of Europe and the partners in our many networks. The ten top entries will be celebrated as a major contribution to citizenship and human rights education and will be included in one or several short-film(s)/animation(s) which will be commissioned afterwards.

Deadline to submit entries to [ mailto:comicstrip.competition@coe.int ]comicstrip.competition@coe.int : 24 December 2013

All details can be found here: [ http://tinyurl.com/nuqbm5f ]http://tinyurl.com/nuqbm5f