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Dünya Zirvesi Gençlik Ödülü _ 2014

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The World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) 2014, the global contest for online or mobile initiatives to raise awareness and help resolve the most pressing global issues, has been launched. The awards are addressed to young designers, producers, application developers, journalists, and writers who, by using internet and mobile applications, create digital content and applications which address the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Entrants should be under 30 years old (born on or after January 1, 1984) and come from any of the UN member states.

Projects (completed after 1st January 2012) must be made under one of the six categories: 1. Fight poverty, hunger and disease 2. Education for all 3. Power 2 Women 4. Create your culture 5. Go green 6. Pursue Truth

In each of the categories there will be three winners and two runners-up. The winners will be given the opportunity to showcase their platform at the World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) winners event.

Deadline: 15 June 2014.

Find out more: http://youthaward.org