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"12 Kasım 2013: Avrupalı düşün, yerel hareket et"

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12 November 2013: Think European - act local:

the role of federal states and regions in the EU youth strategy, Brussels (Belgium) Organised by the Committee of the Regions, the conference will be an opportunity to discuss the EU youth strategy and its contribution to Europe's broader growth strategy Europe 2020. The aim is to increase awareness of the role and political mandate of the regions with regards to European youth strategies. The conference is addressed to members of the CoR Commission on Education, Youth, Culture and Research (EDUC); representatives from regions and municipalities in Europe with responsibility for youth policy; youth policy officers of national, regional and local representations to the EU; policy officers of the European Parliament and the European Commission working in the youth policy field; representatives from civil society and youth organisations and young people.

Deadline to apply: 1 November 2013.

Find out more: http://cor.europa.eu/en/events/Pages/youthstrategy.aspx