
Explore Europe Opportunities with Eurodesk!

Dünya Bankası Grubu I. Gençlik Zirvesi

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On the 3rd of October 2013 the World Bank Group’s first Youth Summit will be held in Washington D.C. Under the theme of “Youth Entrepreneurship: Cultivating an Innovative Spirit to Alleviate Global Youth Unemployment”, the Summit will feature notable panelists of the development community, and will provide a forum for young people from around the globe to share innovative ideas and solutions to current development challenges to create opportunities for youth employment and job creation.

As part of the summit, young professionals from around the world are invited to participate in a [ http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTCY/EXTYOUTHSUMMIT/0,,contentMDK:23449192~enableDHL:True~menuPK:9264482~pagePK:64168445~piPK:64168309~theSitePK:9264465,00.html ]Development Case Competition. These cases highlight real life issues facing development organizations focus on the following sub-topics: education, youth employment, and millennial communications. People between the ages of 18 and 35 are invited to submit proposals that introduce socially innovative solutions to the following case challenges: · Strengthening Micro-Entrepreneurship for Disadvantaged Youth · A Better Financial Product for Young Entrepreneurs’ Micro and Small Enterprises · Reverse Engineering, Youth Entrepreneurship Driving Education · Millennial Communications for Inclusive City Planning Award prizes vary by case and may include cash prizes and a chance to personally present your proposal to the implementing partner.

The deadline to submit a proposal for the Development Case Competition is 8 September 2013.

It is not compulsory having participated in the Case Study Competition to attend the Youth Summit. The event is free and anyone is welcome [ http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTCY/EXTYOUTHSUMMIT/0,,contentMDK:23449191~menuPK:9264483~pagePK:64168445~piPK:64168309~theSitePK:9264465,00.html ]to register.

For all the details about the competition and the summit visit http://tiny.cc/oslw1w