
Explore Europe Opportunities with Eurodesk!

Çek Cumhuriyeti'nden Eylem 4.3 Ortaklık Teklifi

Son Başvuru Tarihi : #

Dear friends,

We would like to apply for the project – Study visit: named "I have no mummy and no daddy" The project would be held in Česká Třebová during 5 days, in August 2014, if it would be approved. We suppose 2 participants from each organisation.

The accommodation would be in the hotel in the centre of the town and we suppose to go to see various organisations which work with children and youth without parents.

For the project we need to know the name of  the town where you start your trip to Česká Třebová, all kinds of your  transport (bus, plane, train), prices of transport. The project doesn’t cover health insurance.

If you are not interested in our project, please let us know soon.

Thanks for your fast answer.

Jarka and Jana

Dum deti a mladeze "Kamarad"

The House of Children and Youth "Friend"

Sadova 1385 560 02 Ceska Trebova Czech Republic

tel., fax.: +420 777 292 242

http://www.ddm.ceskatrebova.com ddm.kamarad@centrum.cz