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Sırbistan Uluslararası Model NATO

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The 1st edition of the Serbian International Model NATO (SIM NATO) will take place in Belgrade, Serbia, from 11 to 15 November 2013.
The SIM NATO is students' simulation of the NATO's decision-making process gathering over 500 students from more that 50 countries worldwide to debate on the theme: "Youth as a part of new political leadership for the 21st century".
During the five-day-long conference, students will have the opportunity to broaden their horizons through different political approaches and to get to know different cultures.
Participants can apply individually or as a delegation, of maximum six people.
Applicants should be students or postgraduate students, youth activists involved in a student initiative, NGOs or political parties.
They should be between 18 and 30 years old and speak English and/or French.
There is a participation fee.
Deadline to apply: 25 october 2013.
Find out more: http://sim-nato.org/index.html