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Romanya'da Eylem 11 Şansı

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FORTES organization from Romania is inviting you to a youth exchange on art as a tool for promoting a healty life for youth that we plan to apply with on the October 1st deadline.
Title: "Choose Smart, Choose Art"
Youth In Action, Action 1.1, youth exchange
Participants: aged 16-24 years old, 7 participants + 1 leader per country
APV dates: 27-29 June 2014
Exchange dates: 14-22 July 2014
This project is open for all Programme countries. We shall select 2 partner NGOs.
"Choose Smart,  Choose Art" is a trilateral project, involving 24 youngsters from 3 countries for 9 days in a youth exchange which will take place in Costinesti, Romania (a youth seaside resort).
The theme of the project is fighting  against drug abuse among youth, through dramatic art and healthy lifestyle.
The objectives of the project are: promoting a healthy lifestyle, increasing awareness regarding drug consumption among youngsters, as well as giving young people an alternative to habits which lead to self-destruction. Moreover, we wish to develop  youngsters’s skills of communication and tolerance regarding members of different cultures.
Main activities will be focused on communication, teambuilding and creativity. The methods used to achieve the goals will be Forum theatre and drama-related activities on one hand and brainstorming, presentations, Photovoice, beach sports, Public Cafe on the other hand.
The final activity will be a play related to the topic of the project, involving all the participants, increasing both the awareness for a healthy lifestyle and giving young people tools to express themselves through arts and not through drugs.
For further details on the activity of the FORTES organization, feel free to check the blog http://atcesr.wordpress.com/ and the Facebook link https://www.facebook.com/FederatiaFORTES.
Please send the part 3 form attched dully filled before 25 September as word document at strimbeid@gmail.com and office@atcesr.ro
Looking forward to collaborating with you,